PE29 2 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PE29 2 is a postcode sector in Huntingdonshire, UK. Below is a complete list of PE29 2 Postcodes (Active). PE29 2 postcode sector comprises of 209 active postcodes. PE29 2 sector has a population of 6708, and it has 2878 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PE29 2 postcode sector

PE29 2 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6708
Addresses / Property Count 2878
Active Postcodes 209
Nearby Postcode Districts 38
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of PE29 2 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 209 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PE29 2AB 52.32630700 -0.17666700 1 1 524356 271366
PE29 2AD 52.32660200 -0.17718300 1 6 524320 271398
PE29 2AE 52.32415200 -0.17627100 5 9 524389 271127
PE29 2AF 52.32448600 -0.17637500 30 67 524381 271164
PE29 2AG 52.32241600 -0.17450800 43 73 524514 270937
PE29 2AH 52.32053900 -0.17521600 5 6 524471 270727
PE29 2AJ 52.31942200 -0.17471400 1 3 524508 270604
PE29 2AL 52.31970100 -0.17451700 6 14 524521 270635
PE29 2AN 52.32380200 -0.17404000 N/A N/A 524542 271092
PE29 2AP 52.31990900 -0.17288000 10 29 524632 270661
PE29 2AQ 52.32085300 -0.17576100 22 57 524433 270761
PE29 2AR 52.31096000 -0.17329300 47 126 524629 269665
PE29 2AS 52.31961300 -0.17233500 14 30 524670 270629
PE29 2AT 52.31893500 -0.17093900 21 43 524767 270556
PE29 2AU 52.31081700 -0.17394400 25 59 524585 269648
PE29 2AW 52.31985400 -0.17393900 1 6 524560 270653
PE29 2AX 52.31667800 -0.17323300 2 4 524617 270301
PE29 2AY 52.31894700 -0.17286100 30 60 524636 270554
PE29 2AZ 52.31072500 -0.17494500 9 41 524517 269636
PE29 2BA 52.32110500 -0.17635200 33 83 524392 270788
PE29 2BD 52.31957300 -0.16683400 5 6 525045 270634
PE29 2BE 52.31324600 -0.15969500 N/A N/A 525549 269943
PE29 2BF 52.31276600 -0.16064000 N/A N/A 525486 269888
PE29 2BG 52.31255200 -0.16191000 N/A N/A 525400 269862
PE29 2BH 52.31986300 -0.16701300 37 54 525032 270666
PE29 2BJ 52.31974600 -0.17103800 25 72 524758 270646
PE29 2BL 52.31973100 -0.16949800 14 42 524863 270647
PE29 2BN 52.32035500 -0.16933400 34 107 524872 270717
PE29 2BP 52.32107300 -0.16385200 5 10 525244 270806
PE29 2BQ 52.31235500 -0.16642800 N/A N/A 525093 269832
PE29 2BS 52.31884600 -0.16290300 53 139 525315 270560
PE29 2BT 52.31881200 -0.16765800 8 19 524991 270548
PE29 2BU 52.31848200 -0.16548500 11 21 525140 270515
PE29 2BW 52.31934900 -0.16633000 28 49 525080 270610
PE29 2BX 52.31827400 -0.16658000 13 23 525066 270490
PE29 2BY 52.31822200 -0.16439600 25 62 525215 270488
PE29 2BZ 52.31778400 -0.16222800 31 73 525364 270443
PE29 2DA 52.31693200 -0.16179300 6 23 525396 270349
PE29 2DB 52.31675400 -0.16271900 35 92 525333 270328
PE29 2DD 52.31587300 -0.16427300 38 112 525230 270227
PE29 2DE 52.31557100 -0.16277400 17 40 525333 270196
PE29 2DF 52.31588400 -0.16321600 8 21 525302 270230
PE29 2DG 52.31905100 -0.16679700 6 12 525049 270576
PE29 2DH 52.31678500 -0.16856300 28 86 524935 270321
PE29 2DJ 52.31587200 -0.16767700 23 57 524998 270221
PE29 2DL 52.31629300 -0.16697000 38 98 525045 270269
PE29 2DN 52.31653600 -0.16484100 26 76 525189 270300
PE29 2DP 52.31714400 -0.16617200 17 53 525097 270365
PE29 2DQ 52.31468200 -0.16342700 14 14 525291 270096
PE29 2DR 52.31738100 -0.16520800 34 85 525162 270393
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